ALPAKA Bravo X Sling V2 升級版防盜側肩包

Features & Benefits

  • Fits up to an 11" iPad Pro
  • RFID blocking rear compartment
  • Anti-theft, lockable zippers
  • Magnetic buckle in the strap for efficiency
  • External USB charging port
    • Comes with USB-A cable
    • USB-C cable sold separately
  • Hidden SIM card holder & SIM tray eject pin
  • Comfortable & easy to adjust Soft Nylon Strap
  • Weatherproof fabrics
  • Kevlar cutproof mid-layer (underneath main fabric)
  • Fireproof layer (protects against internal lithium fire)
  • Modular design - compatible with modular accessories by ALPAKA
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$899
價錢 HK$699
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