【陳列品】Oreadex 眼部明亮按摩儀 [OD280] (藍色)
  • 中醫經絡科學創造了微波按摩的方法
  • 加速周圍的血液微循環
  • 可以減輕眼睛水腫,暗沉的皮膚和黑眼圈
  • 改善眼睛周圍細胞的新陳代謝,釋放皮膚下的污垢,消除鬆弛的肌肉,減少細紋和眼袋
  • 振動可以收緊和提升眼睛周圍的皮膚,使其從內到金外更柔軟
*陳列產品只限即場門市測試,不享有七天換貨服務。購買後如有任何問題, 不作退換 售完即止
出貨方式 自取 / 送貨
定價 HK$158
價錢 HK$48



  • Traditional Chinese medicine meridian science creates the method of microwave massage.
  • Accelerate the blood microcirculation around the
  • eyes to reduce eye edema, dull skin and black eye socket.
  • Improve metabolism of the cells around eyes so as to release dirt under the skin, eliminate loose muscle and reduce fine lines and eye pouch.
  • Vibration can tighten and lift skin around your eyes to make it softer and tender from inside to outside.


  • 振動按摩眼周肌膚,加速血液循環,促進細胞新陳代謝。
  • 有效改善眼周浮腫、暗沉、鬆弛和黑眼圈等問題。
  • 精緻小巧,方便攜帶。
  • 5級防水,方便沖水清潔。


  • Product Name: Eyes Massager
  • Product Size: 30*30*125mm
  • Product Weight: 58g
  • Material: PC+ABS
  • Color: Blue, Rose red, White
  • Suitable Battery: AA  Alkaline batteries 1.5V*1pc
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